For my psychology class I must complete a personal project. My project while consist of this blog, and this blog consists of my dreams.
I started tracking my dreams last week, but this is the first substantial one that I can piece together for a story. I end every night before bed by saying my prayers. This particular prayer included a plead with God to give me a loud and clear sign about whether or not the Book of Mormon is true. I have been reading the Book of Mormon and investigating the church since November.
My dream took place at Smith Lake and I was standing at the top of a large wooden platform with four other people. The main character in this dream was me, yet she didn't look like me. I was actually watching her from above (maybe I was in Heaven). There was an ensign hanging from the wooden platform (which has religious meaning, I later found out). Below me, there were four or five groups/tribes of people. One group was the Nephites, another was the Lamanites, a third was the Zoramites and a fourth was the Gentiles. As the address was about to begin, I suddenly saw myself falling off of the large wooden platform, surely plummeting to my death.
About three seconds before I hit the ground, I was uplifted by a bright beam of golden sunlight. I began to revolve in the air with my chest puffed out as I rose above the tribes of people. Jesus' voice spoke through me and at that time, a few members from each group began to ascend into the sunlight above the ground as well.
When I told my roommate (a fellow Mormon) about my dream, she insisted that I should tell the Elders (missionaries). I did, and it turns out that my dream is a scripture passage from 2nd Nephi.
One of the Sister missionaries had asked the Elders about that specific passage just a few days earlier and so the Elders just happened to be studying this passage when I confronted them about my dream. I have never read nor heard of this scripture, yet I had an almost exact account of what happened in my dream. The Elders are convinced that this was my answer from God about the truth of the Book of Mormon. My baptism is set for Feb. 12
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